Forecast initialized at 0000 UTC 06 November 1998
Hours 00-18

Mapped grid 2 fields.

Variable Hour
topography and near-surface winds 00 06 12 18
accumulated total precipitation 00 06 12 18
precipitation rate 00 06 12 18
near-surface total condensate mixing ratio 00 06 12 18
700mb heights and wind 00 06 12 18
700mb total condensate mixing ratio 00 06 12 18
700mb cloud water mixing ratio 00 06 12 18
700mb aggregate mixing ratio 00 06 12 18

E-W cross-sections on grid 2 at 40.51 N (through Storm Peak Lab).

Variable Hour
temperature 00 06 12 18
u component 00 06 12 18
v component 00 06 12 18
total condensate mixing ratio 00 06 12 18
cloud water mixing ratio 00 06 12 18
pristine ice mixing ratio 00 06 12 18
snow mixing ratio 00 06 12 18
aggregate mixing ratio 00 06 12 18

E-W cross-sections on grid 2 at 41.26 N (through Brooklyn Lake, WY).

Variable Hour
temperature 00 06 12 18
u component 00 06 12 18
v component 00 06 12 18
total condensate mixing ratio 00 06 12 18
cloud water mixing ratio 00 06 12 18
pristine ice mixing ratio 00 06 12 18
snow mixing ratio 00 06 12 18
aggregate mixing ratio 00 06 12 18

Skew-T Diagrams for Grid 2 gridpoints

40.5 N, 106.67 W (Storm Peak Lab) 00 06 12 18
41.26N, 106.82 W (Riverside, WY) 00 06 12 18

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