    - Understand topographic effects on low-level flow in eastern Wyoming

Model Setup:
    - Three nested grids; deep model domain (>15km); finest grid centered on eastern Wyoming
    - Dry runs only (no microphysics)
    - Horizontally homogeneous initializations based on modifications of observed sounding
    - Observed sounding: North Platte, Nebraska, 1200 UTC 26 June 1999:

Set A simulations:
    - Finest possible topography on all grids
    - Low-level vertical grid spacing = 100m
    - No-radiation runs initialized with deep near-neutral surface layer

Set B simulations:
    - Slightly smoothed topography on grids 2 and 3
    - Low-level vertical grid spacing = 150m
    - No-radiation runs initialized with more stable deep surface layer

Set A simulations - results on Grid 3:

    - Case designated by initial uniform wind (degrees, m/s)
    - Horizontal maps at lowest model level (~50m AGL)

A1) No-radiation, no-coriolis runs with uniform 3D flow:

180/5 180/10 180/15
150/5 150/10 150/15
120/5 120/10 120/15
Initial Sounding
0h Wind/Topo
2h Wind/Topo
2h Speed
2h Vert. Velocity
6h Wind/Topo
6h Speed
6h Vert. Velocity
6h Speed (yz plot)
6h Theta (xz plot)

A2) No-radiation runs with coriolis in uniform 3D flow;

Initial Sounding
0h Wind/Topo
2h Wind/Topo
2h Speed
2h Vert. Velocity
6h Wind/Topo
6h Speed
6h Vert. Velocity
6h Speed (yz plot)
6h Theta (xz plot)

Set B simulations - results on Grid 3:

    - Case designated by initial uniform or low-level wind

B1) No-radiation, no-coriolis runs in uniform 3D flow:

Initial Sounding
0h Wind/Topo
2h Wind/Topo
2h Speed
2h Vert. Velocity
6h Wind/Topo
6h Speed
6h Vert. Velocity
6h Speed (yz plot)
6h Theta (xz plot)

B2) No-radiation runs with coriolis in uniform 3D flow:

0h Wind/Topo
2h Wind/Topo
2h Speed
2h Vert. Velocity
6h Wind/Topo
6h Speed
6h Vert. Velocity
6h Speed (yz plot)
6h Theta (xz plot)

B3) No-radiation runs with coriolis and vertical shear in horizontally homogeneous flow:
    - Uniform flow below 2500m MSL veers to 270/15 at 3500m MSL

Initial Sounding
0h Wind/Topo
2h Wind/Topo
2h Speed
2h Vert. Velocity
6h Wind/Topo
6h Speed
6h Vert. Velocity
6h Speed (yz plot)
6h Theta (xz plot)

B4) Radiation runs with coriolis in uniform 3D flow:

Initial Sounding
0h Wind/Topo
2h Wind/Topo
2h Speed
2h Vert. Velocity
6h Wind/Topo
6h Speed
6h Vert. Velocity
10h Wind/Topo
10h Speed
10h Vert. Velocity
6h Speed (yz plot)
6h Theta (xz plot)
10h Speed (yz plot)
10h Theta (xz plot)

B5) Radiation runs with coriolis and vertical shear in horizontally homogeneous flow:
    - Uniform flow below 2500m MSL veers to 270/15 at 3500m MSL

Initial Sounding
0h Wind/Topo
2h Wind/Topo
2h Speed
2h Vert. Velocity
6h Wind/Topo
6h Speed
6h Vert. Velocity
10h Wind/Topo
10h Speed
10h Vert. Velocity
6h Speed (yz plot)
6h Theta (xz plot)
10h Speed (yz plot)
10h Theta (xz plot)

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