Forecast initialized at 1200 UTC 03 September 1999
10-hr surface forecast (valid 9/3/99 2200 UTC) on grid 2
topography and winds
temperature and winds
vapor mixing ratio and winds
precipitation rate and winds
14-hr surface forecast (valid 9/4/99 0200 UTC) on grid 2
precipitation rate and winds
accumulated total precipitation
10-hr forecast sounding (valid 9/3/99 2200 UTC)
near Vernal, Utah
near Jackson, Wyoming
Forecast initialized at 0000 UTC 03 September 1999
(Comparison test run with new RAMS version 4.2)
18-hr surface forecast (valid 9/3/99 1800 UTC) on grid 2
dewpoint and winds
accumulated total precipitation
24-hr surface forecast (valid 9/4/99 0000 UTC) on grid 2
topography and winds
temperature and winds
dewpoint and winds
relative humidity
divergence and winds
precipitation rate and winds
accumulated total precipitation
30-hr surface forecast (valid 9/4/99 0600 UTC) on grid 2
accumulated total precipitation