Forecast initialized on 0000 UTC 19 December 1998
0-hr surface forecast on grid 2
topo and winds (kt)
dewpoint temp (F)
temperature (F)
wind speed (kt)
6-hr surface forecast on grid 2
topo and winds (kt)
precipitation rate
total accumulated precip (run total)
total condensation mixing ratio
aggregate mixing ratio and topo
dewpoint temp (F)
temperature (F)
wind speed (kt)
12-hr surface forecast on grid 2
topo and winds (kt)
precipitation rate
total accumulated precip (run total)
total condensation mixing ratio
aggregate mixing ratio and topo
dewpoint temp (F)
temperature (F)
wind speed (kt)
18-hr surface forecast on grid 2
topo and winds (kt)
precipitation rate
total accumulated precip (run total)
total condensation mixing ratio
aggregate mixing ratio and topo
dewpoint temp (F)
temperature (F)
wind speed (kt)
24-hr surface forecast on grid 2
topo and winds (kt)
precipitation rate
total accumulated precip (run total)
total condensation mixing ratio
aggregate mixing ratio and topo
dewpoint temp (F)
temperature (F)
wind speed (kt)
30-hr surface forecast on grid 2
topo and winds (kt)
precipitation rate
total accumulated precip (run total)
total condensation mixing ratio
aggregate mixing ratio and topo
dewpoint temp (F)
temperature (F)
wind speed (kt)
36-hr surface forecast on grid 2
topo and winds (kt)
precipitation rate
total accumulated precip (run total)
total condensation mixing ratio
aggregate mixing ratio and topo
dewpoint temp (F)
temperature (F)
wind speed (kt)