Forecast initialized at 0000 UTC 5 October
0 hr forecast on grid 1
300 mb heights and winds*
500 mb heights and temps*
700 mb heights and RH*
850 mb heights and temps*
06 hr forecast on grid 1
300 mb heights and winds*
500 mb heights and temps*
700 mb heights and RH*
850 mb heights and temps*
*All barbs are in knots
06 hr forecast at the lowest grid level on grid 2
aggregate mixing ratio
rain mixing ratio
pristine ice mixing ratio
cloud mixing ratio
topography and aggregate mixing ratio
precipitation rate
six-hour accumulated precip.
potential temperature
wind speed*
North-South vertical cross sections through Lusk, Wyoming (06 hr fcst on grid 2)
aggregate mixing ratio
pristine ice mixing ratio
rain mixing ratio
cloud mixing ratio
vertical motion
potential temperature
north-south wind
Wind profiler observations
Granada, CO (GDA)
Medicine Bow, WY (MBW)
Merriman, NE (MRR)
Platteville, CO (PLT)
McCook, NE (RWD)