On the evening of the 19th Vollie and I loaded up the
truck with all the gear needed for a three week road
trip to Arizona, my last trip of my sabbatical. Included
in the gear are day hiking packs, camping stuff (truck
camping), bicycle (for commuting), lecture material
for three lectures at the University of Arizona and
one at the El Tiro gliderport, research materials, soaring
stuff and clothing for a three-week trip. Oh, and stuff
for our dog, Donner, who is going with us this time.
In the morning we hooked onto my sailplane and trailer,
which I had readied for road travel the weekend before,
and headed to Boulder, CO, where I attended the last
of a SHEBA/FIRE workshop that I attended all week. This
concluded with a brief GCSS Polar Clouds Working Group
meeting. At 3:30PM we hit the road south, driving as
far as a KOA Campground near Buena Vista, CO. The campground
is nestled among large rounded lichen-covered boulders,
and from them we had a great view of the sun setting
behind and rising onto the snow-covered Collegiate Range.
We got an early start heading south and drove through
the beautiful San Louis valley with views of the Sangre
De Cristo range and then through Santa Fe, Albuquerque,
and down to Alamogordo, NM. The last three hours we
drove through some of the most remote countryside and
villages in the U.S. We essentially went along the north,
east, and the next day, south boundaries of the White
Sands Missile Range.
Alamogordo is a desert town of about 35,000 people
where our friend Annette Claycomb her husband, Jim Gallagher,
and their two children live. Annette used to work for
me assisting Brenda with secretarial duties in the early
80's. After leaving us she went to the University of
Washington, where she worked on a PhD in Linguistics.
After some strife with her advisor, she left with an
ABD. While in Seattle, she met Jim (a "native"),
and that really worked out well for her-he's great.
She works part time teaching at the junior college,
and Jim teaches 1.5 time with 4 classes a term at the
college and one at the Air Force base. Their children,
Elizabeth, 8, and Daniel, 10, are very nicely behaved,
intelligent kids. They were great fun to be with. (Actually,
Lizzy's birthday's tomorrow, and Dan's was on the winter
Solstice.) Annette is very happy living in the small
community and enjoys the desert life. She has even built,
from scratch, an adobe playhouse in the back yard.
In the evening we had dinner with them at a local pub-restaurant,
the Compass Rose, and enjoyed the food and socializing.
We slept in our camper, which we parked, along with
35ft trailer, on the street. Our rig extended the full
length of their property minus the driveway. I don't
know why people put up with us, says Vollie.
About 9:00AM we headed west along I-10. We drove to
Wilcox, where we backtracked southeastward along side
roads to Chiracahua National Monument. There I had intended
to find a campsite and explore the area, but the campground
in the National Monument was. I didn't feel adventurous
enough to pull my long rig up windy gravel National
Forest roads to one of their campgrounds. So, we unhooked
the trailer and drove to the summit where we viewed
the interesting rock spires. We then drove to a lower
level where we had parked the trailer and then took
a 3 mile walk along a valley trail that Donner was permitted
to walk on. It followed the banks of two dry streams
along a beautiful meadow and some woods with alligator
junipers (their trunks look like alligator skins) and
scrub oaks, among others. Historic ranch buildings and
the remains of a CCC camp can be inspected along the
way. As sunset approached we headed back to Wilcox where
we found an RV place ("Lifestyle") at which
we could park our long rig.
Easter Sunday. We packed up and hit the road for Tucson.
Arriving too early to check into the motel, we headed
straight northwest to El Tiro Gliderport. There I pulled
out the sailplane and rigged it for soaring. Vollie
and Donner then hung out in the camper while I tried
the soaring conditions. Nilton Renno and Bill Rogers
arrived about 11:00AM or so and rigged their new Discuss-2
glider, which they own jointly. It is a very nice, fast
high-performance ship. Nilton was towed aloft and I
followed with a self-launch. At about 2500' AGL I found
a strong thermal and, after only 6 minutes or so of
power, put the engine away and thermaled to 6000' or
so. I found Nilton and chased him towards the northeast
to a small mountain called Picacho Peak. I lost sight
of him there and I headed north to another mountain
with nothing but sink over it. I returned to Picacho,
gained a few thousand feet and headed back across the
massive sinkhole irrigation area. I then scratched back
to 5000' and headed back to El Tiro. I flew for only
1.5 hours but I mainly planned on a reconnoissense flight,
especially since I couldn't get my main GPS to work
and I was unfamiliar with the area.
We then headed to the Ghost Ranch Lodge, which is to
be our base for the next two weeks. It is a neat place
with single-level separated rooms surrounding a large
park-like atmosphere with ornamental oranges, a Sonoran
desert garden and palms, bougainvilla and many other
flowers and shrubs. Our room has a kitchenette, which
is especially nice for a long stay.

I began the day with a run with Donner around and through
some cemeteries, a park and along streets where Donner
enjoyed chasing the rabbits. Then I set to work on a
proposal that I needed to get finished by the next day.
It took a long, frustrating time to get information
for getting the aol connection to work. About 2:00PM
I got on my bicycle and pedaled to the university to
show my face. After a few miss-turns I finally found
the Department of Atmospheric Science and with no fanfare
at all was given a room, keys to it and the building,
and a computer room with printers. I didn't even have
to chase around and get 3 signatures and then run across
campus to a key dispensing person as in some other un-named
university. In the office I have an old PC with Windows
95 that I can use to check my e-mail and web browse.
It all seemed quite adequate. I was given travel expense
forms as well.
I then biked in the 90+ heat back to the motel and
took a nap as it was my fast day.
After the morning ritual jog with Donner, and free breakfast
at the motel, I finished up the proposal and send it
off to Brenda to finish up and incorporate changes from
my colleagues on the proposal. Then I biked to the Dept
and chatted with some of the faculty, did some e-mail
stuff and biked back to the motel. Vollie and I then
drove to the northeast part of town and visited the
(Ted) De Grazia Gallery In The Sun at 6300 N. Swan Road.
The buildings are all constructed of handmade adobe
with interesting floor tiles, and iron doors. I wasn't
too crazy about his paintings but enjoyed the funky
I then took Vollie up Mount Lemmon where, within 30
minutes of driving, we went from sweltering Sonoran
desert ecology to ponderosa and fir forests and aspen
that had yet to leaf out. Grass on the ski slopes had
just started coming out. We cooked our supper in the
camper and ate at a picnic table. On the way down we
enjoyed views of the lighted city in the dark.
After the morning jog and breakfast I biked into the
Dept and interacted with colleagues and began reading
Alex Costa's dissertation. I got e-mail from Brenda
that there was a fire rather close to our home in Rist
Canyon. Then I drove out to the gliderport and took
my DG-400 for a flight. I decided to fly south to Kitt
Peak, which is about 30 miles away. I first attempted
to self-launch without a wing runner but the cross wind
was too strong and I couldn't lower the windward wing.
So I taxied back and signaled to one of the crew that
I would like to have a wing runner and then got off
just fine. After a few minutes of motoring I again found
the "house" thermal and climbed to 4500'.
I then headed toward Kitt Peak with my GPS now working.
I found the thermals to be very powerful, generally
in the 8-10kt range, but they were very widely spaced.
The highest I could get was about 5500', which was about
3400'AGL. I'd run into one of those thermals and bang!
up would go a wing. I'd bank into it and thermal up
a thousand feet or so and then head toward the mountain
at 80kts. The terrain below got rather inhospitable
looking with no roads and no land-out options. Eventually
I got to a mountain immediately to the northeast of
Kitt Peak where I could climb to 8000' and then flew
over a ridge that put me right over the observatory,
where I thermaled to 8500' while enjoying the views
of all the facilities.
I then headed north, back to El Tiro. With the 8500'
height advantage I could fly straight north and porpoise
along through the thermal tops at 85kts. I made it back
to the gliderport at 6500' and had to pull the spoilers
and drop my landing gear to get down. The total flight
was only 1.5hrs and I had flown over 60 miles; not exactly
a speed record, but I am still trying to feel out what
I can get away with here. One can pretty much decide
where one wants to go and just do it much like a powerplane,
as long as one stays away from the irrigated fields
and other sinkholes.
I returned to the motel and we called the house to
see if anyone was there to answer. Our son Bill was
there and told us the fire was less than 0.5 miles from
the house and the sheriff had called for an evacuation
of the area. Being a search and rescue (SAR) member,
he was let through the barriers. He was trying to evacuate
our cats. He found one but couldn't find the second
one, who is a scarety cat. We told him to leave plenty
of food because we were not sure when our house sitter
could get back.
We then prepared a meal in the kitchenette and sat
outside in the twilight on our patio and had supper
with a bottle of wine. It was still rather warm out
there as the bricks in the building were still releasing
heat from the western sun exposure of our patio.
After the morning jog ritual, a bike ride to the office
and working until 2:00PM, I biked home and Vollie and
I drove south about 50 miles to the artsy and historical
town of Tubac. There we explored art museums, many showing
paintings by local artists. I enjoyed Hugh Cabot's paintings
and even took some pictures of them. We were told he
was also the official combat artist of the Korean Conflict,
but those works are in Washington, DC. The building
was a very old adobe structure that was neat in its
own right. We walked around the little old funky Oldtown,
visiting many artisans' shops. One gallery was surrounded
by beautiful gardens with fountains, sculptures, windchimes
and inviting nooks. We then found a Mexican food restaurant
where we ate outside on the patio with the sounds of
a water fountain nearby and the smells of roses scenting
the air. The food was great and we had a fun relaxing
time. I recommend visiting Tubac.
On this morning's run through the cemetery we encountered
a pair of coyotes. The male had a very bad limp. Donner
got very excited about seeing them. Then shortly after
we flushed a jackrabbit, which also got Donner excited.
Almost every morning we have seen cottontails, but this
is the first time that we encountered a jackrabbit or
After a breakfast on the motel patio accompanied by
birds singing and occasionally stopping for crumbs at
our table, Vollie and I drove to the university. There
she walked the campus and visited museums and I worked.
Then in the afternoon we drove north to the unincorporated
town called Oracle. It is on the northern edge of the
Santa Catalina Mountain Range and is at an elevation
of about 4000'. Being 2000' feet above Tucson, where
the temperatures were in the upper 90's, Oracle was
much cooler; only in the middle 80's! It is hard to
identify a town center as the houses are spread out
over the desert in a low-density fashion. We visited
a ranch turned into an artists' colony where there was
a small gallery. We also stopped by another old dude
ranch turned into rental properties (Rancho Robles).
It was something to see with the whitewashed buildings,
a large entranceway with a white arch, all very Spanish
looking. A retiree, recently transplanted from a small
town in southern Colorado, chatted with us at the entrance.
As it turns out, he attended engineering school at CSU
years ago.
On the way back into town we stopped at Tohono Chul
Park to view the cactus in bloom. Speaking of cactus
in bloom, almost at the gliderport are some saguaro,
which are in bloom with their white flowers.
In the evening we had dinner at an Italian restaurant
with Xubin, and Ben and Nancy Herman. The food (Orange
Roughy in orange sauce with a side of mushroom spaghetti)
was good and we enjoyed chatting with them.
After the usual morning jog with Donner I went out to
the gliderport to go soaring. At about 11:0AM I self-launched
with the intention of flying to Estrella Gliderport
which is south of Phoenix. The winds were forecast to
be 15 to 20kts out of the northwest, so I decided I
had better head to the northwest. The thermals were
not as strong for the most part as in my previous two
flights and they seemed to be more widely spaced. I
made good progress toward Estrella, which was about
54 nmi away, until I got to the town of Casa Grande.
Except for some lift over a hill to the south of town
I couldn't find anything. Here I was only 18nmi from
Estrella and I could see the mountains near it and even
the bend in the railroad tracks near it. I eventually
had to call it quits and even after gaining as much
altitude as I could over the hill, I had to use my "iron
thermal"(my engine) to get out of the valley. Once
I got over higher terrain and in the lee of some small
mountains, I got what seemed like smooth wave lift and
had no difficulty soaring back to El Tiro. I landed
after 2.5h of flying, a bit frustrated. Later I heard
that the regional soaring contest run out of Turf Soaring
north of Phoenix canceled the task for the day because
conditions were so poor. So I didn't feel quite so bad
after that.
That evening Vollie and I attended the Tucson Soaring
Club dinner where I was the guest speaker. It was held
at a restaurant (the Mountain View) featuring Eastern
European suisine. Bill had salmon, Vollie had Wiener
Schnitzel, the third Choice was roasted chicken. I had
to adapt my talk to changing visual aids. They brought
a 35mm projector but no carousel to put the slides in.
They also brought a brand new overhead projector and
I first had to figure out how to put it together. I
eventually gave a talk on how I got started in flying
and how that led to meteorology. I then gave some "war
stories" about my research flying experiences and
ended with a discussion of soaring meteorology including
Chris Golaz's LES simulations of boundary layer thermals
and cu with varying soil moisture and of our RAMS soaring
products on the web and a brief discussion of my Kenya
soaring adventures and our simulations of the convergence
line I soared on.
Vollie, Donner and I headed southwest to Kitt Peak.
I had hoped to see lots of cactus in bloom along the
way and near the base of the mountain, but while there
were a few in bloom, the dry winter had certainly taken
its toll. We took a self-guided tour of the 2m telescope
and then a guided tour of the 4m. It is a very impressive
facility and the views from up there are very impressive.
There are many telescopes of different types and sizes.
We stopped by the Desert Museum on the way back. It
is a very impressive outdoor museum, kind of a cross
between a desert park and a zoo. The trails meander
through the desert landscape and there are signs for
coyotes and javelinas, and darn if they wouldn't be
there! Then we realized a nearly invisible net-material
fencing enclosed them. There were lots of birds flying
free plus others in an enclosed aviary. It was very
nicely done.
I again started the day with a jog with Donner around
the cemeteries and the large block. It was cool enough
that I felt chilly at the start but after a few minutes
I warmed up. It still got into the lower 90's. I gave
a seminar in the Department of Atmospheric Science on
"Extreme Precipitation Estimation". I described
our project of simulating historical flash flood storms
and how we are using those results to eventually build
a GUI for estimating extreme rainfall anywhere in the
state. Bob Maddox, a former CSU student and leading
authority on flash floods was present. He really liked
our approach and results so far. There were a lot of
questions and discussion at the end.
Donner was excited that we flushed a jackrabbit and
a cottontail on our morning jog. We don't always spy
critters, but occasionally we have a good day.
After working at the Dept in the morning I went out
to El Tiro Gliderport to evaluate the RAMS boundary
layer and thermal forecasts. The model predicted boundary
layer depths to 7500' over the lower lying areas and
over 10,000' over Mt Lemmon. So I self-launched and
after a 2000' climb and 4 min of power, I put the engine
away and soared to 6500'. I then headed east gliding
over the sinkhole irrigation area and worked in weak
lift along the flanks of what I believe is called Black
Mountain. I finally worked along some north-south oriented
ridges and got up to 7500' over the mountain. I then
headed east across Oro Valley in about 6kts of sink.
With this amount of sink I reached the gently rising
terrain on the western flank of Mt Lemon, but too low
to go further without any lift. So I was forced to get
out the iron thermal and power up to the sidewall of
the mountain. There I found very strong lift after only
5 minutes of powering and put the engine away. Working
up the western flank of the mountain my vario frequently
went off scale at 10kts. It was really rough but in
no time at all I topped out over the peaks at over 10,000'
and soared over a group of towers and what looked like
radar domes at what appeared to be the summit. The views
were spectacular as I used a combination of ridge and
thermal soaring over the high terrain. I then headed
back west toward El Tiro, gliding and dolphin soaring
my way back at speeds of 80 to 90kts. My total flight
time was 1.7h, and between the turbulence and the heat
I felt like I had quite a workout.
After my morning jog around the block with Donner and
a bike ride to work, I went over to Hydrology and had
group meeting with Jim Shuttleworth's group and Soroocian's
group. They took me out to lunch and I went back to
atmos to work on Alex Costa's dissertation. At 4:00PM
I gave a seminar at Hydrology on our model sensitivity
to soil moisture specification and the work we're doing
applying their artificial neural network model to estimating
soil moisture.
I managed to get Vollie up at 5:00AM and then we drove
north about 20 miles to Catalina State Park. We hiked
through desert trails enjoying the birds and the desert
flower and fauna. This is the best time to be up and
about in the desert. It was cool enough at the beginning
of our walk to wear a jacket, but by the end we were
down to T-shirts. That afternoon the temperature peaked
at 98F.
I gave a seminar at 3:00PM to the National Weather
Service office on our experiences doing realtime mesoscale
numerical weather prediction with RAMS. We had a lively
discussion following the talk.
In the evening we drove down to tour the outside of
San Xavier Mission, which was built in the middle 1700's.
With its whitewashed walls, it really stood out with
the sun setting behind it. We came back through Tucson
Mountain Park and took a brief walk along the mountainside
just as the sun was setting.
We then had dinner at an Indian restaurant, which had
changed owners and names since we had been there last,
but the food was still excellent.
Donner and I did our run around the block, through the
cemeteries and so forth, before I headed to my last
day at work at the U of Arizona. I took Xubin and Nilton
to a Mexican restaurant near campus and then after some
discussions with a young lady working in hydrology about
our work I biked back to the motel. Vollie and I then
drove up Mount Lemon to escape the heat and take a hike.
We hiked along a trail that went along a stream bed
and then crossed it and several others. There was not
a drop of water in the area. I guess I shouldn't be
surprised, as Tucson has reported only 1" of precipitation
this year, which is about 50% of normal, which isn't
much to begin with. The trail climbed about 1000' and
then we turned back for our supper date at the Renno's.
Nilton and his wife Maria-Carmen and their son, live
near the southern flanks of the Catalina's in a very
up-scale neighborhood. The house is very modern with
nice views of the mountains and it has nice sonoran
desert landscape. We had a very good Brazilian-style
meal of a fish/sea-food concoction as well as deserts
and drinks. Vollie had a very potent Brazilian-style
Margarita drink but I abstained from that.
Donner and I did our morning jog and then I went out
to the gliderport. Last evening I discovered that our
truck battery was dead and this is after I had the truck
electrical system checked out on Thursday. I still have
some problem with the truck electrical part of the refrigerator.
The guy had reversed the polarity on the refrigerator
switch from where I had installed it, but when I apply
my multimeter to the switch terminals, I get current
through it where he set if off and not when it is saying
on. Doesn't make sense to me. I have pulled the plug
on the camper so that I can charge the camper battery
and see if I get power to the lights in the camper after
that. Then I'll worry about the switch and refrigerator.
I met Nilton at the gliderport, but by noon he was
still waiting for his wife to pick up their son, so
I decided to take off. I motored in rough air to the
little hill that produces the house thermal and shut
the engine down at 4000' and climbed in continuous lift
to 7500'. I then headed west with my goal of making
it to Estrallia this time. Learning from my previous
attempt, I kept further south, well away from the irrigation
areas. I made use of lift off the dark rocky hills and
was able to maintain 7500' all the way until about 10
miles west of Casa Grande. From there I could hardly
find a spot that wasn't irrigated. I did find a narrow
corridor of unirrigated land and headed into it. I even
found a 6 kt thermal that carried me back to 7500'.
I had enough altitude to glide and dolphin soar to the
Estrallia Mountains. But with the prevailing northwest
flow the eastern side of the mountains was in sink.
When I overflew Estrallia Gliderport I was down to 3500',
but the airport is at 1200'. I was still a 1000' above
a trainer trying to stay airborne out of the field.
I then struggled to gain altitude as I headed east
towards the sinking air near the irrigated fields. In
that narrow corridor between irrigated fields I finally
found enough lift to get me back to 7500' and from there
I worked back into those black-looking rocky hills and
continued east at 7500' and then down to 5500' and back
up to 7500'. I also found some good lift along the southern
boundary of the irrigated fields and eventually made
it to another hill where I got up to 8500'. I was then
within 20 miles of El Tiro so I glided and dolphin soared
back at 85kts. Total flight time was 3.5hrs.
I overflew the gliderport and carefully checked the
wind triangle, but on final the winds switched to crosswind
at 20kts or so and I had my hands full keeping aligned
with the field and landing smoothly.
I then put my plane away into the trailer, said good
byes and thanked everyone for their hospitality. They
sure are a great bunch at El Tiro. One thing that surprised
me was how few privately owned singe-place ships were
flown out there. Basically there was Nilton/Bill Rogers
plane and mine. Everyone else was either the 2-33. or
one of the two Blanik twins, or the Grob G-103.
I returned to Ghost Ranch Lodge and after a short nap,
Vollie and I had supper with a bottle of wine out on
the porch dressed in shorts.
With trailer in tow we headed north on Arizona state
highway 77 through Oracle, then Globe where we left
the sonoran desert, through Apache country, then east
on I-40 where we again headed north on Hwy 191 through
Navojo country. Winds were strong westerly through the
high desert country. Just outside Bluff, Utah we stopped
for the night at a campground along the San Juan River.
Rising early the next morning we drove down into the
Needles district of Canyonlands National Park. There
we found one of the few vacant campsites and managed
to back in the trailer with the truck camper along side
it. We did so in pouring rain as a frontal passage with
squall line was occurring just as we arrived. I took
a nap and Vollie walked around between showers but got
caught and got soaked.
In the afternoon we hiked from the Squall Flat Campground
to the Elephant Hill trailhead and back along the road,
a distance of about 8 miles. It was a nice day for walking
as the temperatures were in the upper 70's. We enjoyed
seeing the spring flowers although they were rather
sparse owing to a dry winter. I hoped to find some barrel
cactus in bloom with their deep red flowers, but could
not find any along the trail. Finally, I found one under
a pinon tree as we took a shortcut on one of the switchbacks
on the road.
We had a pleasant evening at the campground and then
rising early headed east again.
Avoiding interstates again, we followed Utah 40/Colorado
90 from La Sal Junction to the beautiful Paradox Valley
which the Dolores River flows through. Then we traveled
on through Naturita and Norwood on Hwy 145. I filled
my tank in Norwood and took a gasoline bath. Someone
must have turned off the pump with the automatic control
still on so that when I turned on the pump gas spurted
out all over me. I had to change my clothes and put
the smell stuff in the sailplane trailer. From there
we went through Placerville over the beautiful Dallas
Divide with spectacular views of Mount Sneffels. We
parked the trailer in Ridgway and drove up a gravel
road to a lot that we have attempted to buy but the
owners won't sell. It is at 8500' and overlooks a beautiful
valley and across the valley is one of the best views
in Colorado with Mt Sneffels "in your face".
The owners permit people to stop and view so we had
a lunch of subs bought in Ridgway while enjoying the
great views.
We then headed east through Montrose toward Gunnison,
but turned off to Lake City. There we climbed Slumgullion
Pass, which is very steep, and was a slow climb pulling
the trailer. We stopped at the Creede Airport and tied
down the trailer and then drove up the 4-mile steep
climb to our lot at 10,300'. There was no snow at all
on our southfacing lot and it was warm enough for us
to eat outside at our folding picnic table. We also
didn't need a heater overnight. The next morning we
took a hike up a jeep road reaching over 11,300' where
we finally encountered snow on the road. Still it was
warm enough to wear shorts and when the wind wasn't
blowing, just a T-shirt.
After our morning hike and lunch we headed north up
highway 285 to Denver and north on I-25 to Owl Canyon
Gliderport where I tied down the trailer. We got home,
very tired, about 9:00PM and had supper at 10:00PM after
Thus ends what is probably my last sabbatical. It has
been a very busy one what with all the trips and still
trying to keep things running smoothly at home. I learned
a lot, made a lot of professional connections, developed
new ideas for research and even wrote proposals one
of which already has funding approved. In addition we
experienced a lot of new parts of the world or viewed
others at different times of the year from previous
visits and made lots of new friends. I also got in some
fun soaring flights and some of those may even lead
to technical journal articles since we are simulating
some of those cases with RAMS.